Bell Creek Community Church • Sundays @ 9:15 & 11:00am


Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

Kids' Creek is the Sunday morning Children’s Ministry at Bell Creek. It is a fun and safe environment for kids birth through 4th grade. Through small group connection and large group teaching, your  child will dive into each story in the Bible and see how each one connects to God's plan of redemption through Jesus. Utilizing Biblical curriculum our small group volunteers connect with your child and help them apply the lesson to their life right now. If you have any questions about Kids’ Creek or an upcoming visit please contact us!






Awana meets every Wednesday night during the school year from 6:30-7:45 p.m. We provide a safe and fun environment to learn about God and grow physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Children ages 2 through 4th grade are welcome. Please join us on Wednesday nights starting September 4, 2024!

Kids' Connection Movie Night

Kids' Connection is a fun night for our children to meet and form deeper relationships. Must be over 4 and fully potty trained and younger than 5th grade. Besides a movie, we do a craft and activity first, followed by dinner and snacks.  This is a drop off event 6-8:30 PM, but we love and need volunteers too.  Usually 3rd Friday of the month.

vacation bible school

Save the Date for next VBS in 2025, Monday July 21,  2025 - Friday July 25, 2025 at 9:30am-12:30 p.m.  All children from 4 years old (fully potty trained) to students who completed 4th grade this year are welcome to come and have lots of fun. Registration required and will be active a month before.


MOMCo  Meets 1st and 3rd Thursday mornings 9:30-11:20 AM September - May at Bell Creek.  Children have their own classroom and teachers during this time while moms fellowship together.  Children receive a snack, bible story, coloring activity and play time as we share God's Word throughout the morning. 

Kids' creek midweek

This Summer when Awana is on break, we have Kids' Creek Midweek on most Wednesday nights. Meet in the large group room 6:30-7:45 p.m., which is same time as our church's  prayer meeting.  We teach a Bible story with activities for children ages 3 years old to students who finished 4th grade.  Please register in advance.

Summer Kick off Picnic

We start the summer with summer kick off picnic which usually includes water activities outside if weather allows.  We provide summer Bible reading programs and more.  We enjoy providing opportunities for our kids' creek children and families to see each other outside of church on Sundays.  

Awana at bell creek

Awana is a fantastic program for children that focuses on the Gospel, Scripture Memory, Christian Growth, and Fun Activities! Awana starts at Bell Creek on Wednesday, September 4, 2024! It will meet Wednesdays from 6:30PM to 7:45PM. during the school year.  The four classrooms include Puggles for two year olds, Cubbies for preschoolers, Sparks for kindergarten through second grade and TNTs for third and fourth grade. 

Use this form to sign up your child/children and we'll see you there! Any questions or if you want to volunteer, let us know at

momco at the creek

Our mom's program is one of the longest running ministries at Bell Creek. Now called The Mom Community or MOMCO at the Creek, but used to be known as MOPS. We have two meet ups at Bell Creek, which allows for both working moms and moms who are available during the day to attend one or both meet ups.  We meet every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month starting in September from 9:30-11:20 a.m. And our new "nightshift" meet up for moms is every 2nd and 4th Monday following the school year from 7-9 PM.  Come if you are a mom of a child from birth to 12th grade and join us for food, crafts, prayer and discussion as we embrace the journey of motherhood together. Childcare available on Thursday mornings.


Throughout the year, we like to provide meaningful, safe, fun spaces for kids and families! See what's coming up next:

VBS 2024 Gallery

our incredible kids team


Kids' Creek Co-Director


Kids' Creek Co-Director


Kids' Creek Co-Director

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.